LauraScarlet (PNM)

Member Since 12/23/2014

From Texas

  • LauraScarlet 9 years ago on Why All Girls Hate Sluts -- A Harsh Truth

    Ok,I am about to tell you an absolute truth,but I will address more to the girls that come and read this.
    Do you know why would a man call you a ‘whore’ or ‘slut’?
    1.he is pissed on you and frustrated that he can’t have you in the perverted way he wants to (in which his jeark/ lying friends assured him that he can).
    2.because he is primitive enough to consider you his property or that you have no wrights and can do whatever to you without having repercussions to deal with.
    3.because he is not educated properly.
    4.because he thinks he spent ‘to much money’ on you or ‘to much time’ trying to convince you into something.
    This is a sign of a very cheap and malicious man,he feels offended that he got ‘nothing'(not what he wanted actually) and you are not his ‘slave’ yet.
    5.because he may see that you have male friends which could save you from his dirty claws.He wants to intimidate you, make you feel guilty and stop hanging out with your palls to get you vulnerable in his presence.

    Why would another woman accuse you that you are a ‘whore’ or a ‘slut’?
    1.she is frustrated and can’t keep her husband/boyfriend at home.
    2.because she is insecure with her looks attitude and all and she sees a threat in you.
    3.because she feels a little guilty of something herself and feels like throwing it all on other person.
    4.because you get more positive male attention then she does and maybe attention from particular people she wants attention from but does not get.
    5.she may see competition in you in some domain and thinks she can get rid of you just like that (stupid,don’t you agree?)

    Cheating the system?Who the fuck needs a system?Hahahaha

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