LionsandDiamonds1851 (Big)

Member Since 01/18/2011

From Georgia

  • LionsandDiamonds1851 9 years ago on Stop Saying The Signs At Old Dominion Are About Rape Culture

    I don’t think the guys are rapist. I don’t think they tried to promote rape culture. I don’t know the guys but what I can tell you is objectification promotes rape culture and these guys did inadvertently promote it and so are you. I think it’s rly sad when people can’t recognize that. It’s sad when our society would rather pass off our cultural issues as jokes instead of face them head on and try to fix the problems.

    As a sexual assault and domestic violence survivor I’m probably a lot closer to the topic than the typical sorority girl. And yes my sense of humor about the topic maybe altered due to my experiences but the truth of the matter is that objectifying women, or men, promotes rape culture and that’s not a laughing matter and it shouldn’t be made into a joke. Making it a joke helps sick and twist people justify their actions and helps society blame survivors instead of the attackers.

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  • LionsandDiamonds1851 9 years ago on Stop Saying The Signs At Old Dominion Are About Rape Culture

    Hate to be the one with the unpopular opinion but…

    For a grad student researching rape culture I find the author’s article surprisingly uneducated. She herself says it objectifies women. If she’s done research on the topic she should know that a large factor in rape culture is that men(Note, I’m not say all men) still see women as objects to put their penises in. The objectification of women is an undeniable aspect of rape culture. Her own opinion has disproved her article and anyone who says the banners aren’t promoting rape culture.

    The sad thing is in today’s society is easy to group people who understand rape culture into the category of ppl who are just looking to find something offensive. It’s easy to say they just don’t have a sense of humor but the cold hard truth is if you agree that the banners objectify women sexually then they are in return promoting rape culture. If you say it’s just a distasteful joke like the author then you are inadvertently promoting rape culture.

    Do I think the guys who made the banners meant to promote rape culture? Idk. I don’t know them and I won’t make that speculation.

    Did they inadvertently promote rape culture? Yes.

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  • LionsandDiamonds1851 13 years ago on GVSU

    If you get a good one you don’t look like an oompa loompa. You just have to get a natural, not too dark color.

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  • LionsandDiamonds1851 13 years ago on University of Alabama

    If y’all can’t handle TSMs like this then go back to high school where it’s semi appropriate to act like a 5 year old.

    Neon_Norts: This happened during our recruitment too!

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