Making sure you pack letters for spring break. TSM.
Making sure you pack letters for spring break. TSM.
Having an average of five to ten life-ending screenshots in your phone at any given point in time. TSM.
We can’t add them to the group chat. They’ll make it green. TSM.
Planning everything about your life, including when to skip class. TSM.
You and your little developing a form of telepathy. TSM.
Drinking in his letters, but never in yours. TSM.
“I don’t think I can see him anymore. He became risk management chair and it’s completely unethical and goes against my values to be with…the enemy.” TSM.
Dressing like a homeless person for class, but like a cute one. TSM.
Scheduling your mental breakdown for early morning or late night because mascara is expensive. TSM.
Being more excited about the pregame and the breakfast the next day than the actual party. TSM.