LittlethingcalledLove (New Member)

Member Since 11/07/2014

From Florida

  • LittlethingcalledLove 9 years ago on GWU Greeks Make Asses Of Themselves When They Completely Jack Their Skit From DG At Chapman...And Get Caught

    What the girls in charge of the dance routine did was terrible (come on people, haven’t you learned your lesson from Bring it on? Stop being assholes and thinking you can get away from it) and they should be punished, hopefully by the judges of their competition and also their standards board. But to blame the whole chapter, and especially the entire GW Greek community is just silly. My brother goes to GW and I know their community does amazing things, especially the brothers of Sigma Chi with their Derby Days. Also, I do not agree with the way you, hot piece, or Chapman dealt with this. This was just completely mean spirited and catty, not at all what sorority girls should act like. Where is the greek support? By publishing this piece, and by them making their video, you just swooped to the level of the girls who ripped off the choreography. There were other ways that this could be dealt with because I do agree that what they did was terrible, but public slander is by far the lowest and ugliest way you could have dealt with it. Shame on you and on Chapman!

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