lovepinkpearls (Big)

Member Since 01/08/2015

From Alabama

  • lovepinkpearls 9 years ago on Why Sorority Girls Everywhere Are Pissed About #LillyForTarget

    I don’t understand the outrage. First of all, Lilly has been sold at discount stores like Marshall’s and TJ Maxx for years. People like myself have bought the exact same dresses and accessories there for less than $40 for a long time now. (I have quite a LARGE Lilly collection, yet have never shopped at the store or on the website. I’ve only bought at discount stores or thrift stores. I have only once spent over $40 on an item.) Second of all, it will not hurt the brand, just like it hasn’t hurt — but helped — the previous designers of special Target lines. Third of all, none of the clothes are going to be replicated. Target for Lilly will have its own unique patterns… nobody can buy the same dress you’ve spent $300 on. (Although they have been able to for years, as I pointed out above.)

    This will actually HELP the brand. Not everybody is familiar with Lilly Pulitzer and there will be dozens of girls out there who fall in love with it then become devoted shoppers at Lilly Pulitzer once Lilly for Target finishes.

    Are we such snobs that we believe that if somebody can’t afford Lilly Pulitzer, they shouldn’t be able to get a dress in the Lilly line from Target? I’m sorry, but if you believe that like some people on social media do (and have been very adamant about), then your priorities are in the wrong place. You seriously need to consider the way you look at the world and how you treat the people in it.

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