mariachio (Little)

ChiO til I diO

Member Since 04/30/2014

From Tennessee

  • mariachio 10 years ago on People Are Now Finding A DISNEY PRINCESS Performance Offensive, Because Sorority Girls

    Calm down, I was stating the opinions voiced from the original article and their views on it. The groups that came out and complained weren’t coming out to bash the sorority, it was how they portrayed Native Indians. I never said they should represent all of them, but perhaps a little research on her tribe and their costumes could be beneficial. There’s no need for perfect representation to the T, but just a few fact checks. I love my sorority, but the fact is the Nation of People they represented found it offensive and that’s what matters here. If you read my comment as an attack or more negatively than I meant it, my apologizes. But, it still stands that you should be respectful of other cultures and what they find offensive. Besides, do not see how saying we should be more sensitive to others and avoid negative stereotypes of any group of peoples is “attacking sororities”. I posted it here, because I came across it and thought it misrepresented the situation as an attempt to say these groups were coming out of no where to blame “whites” or “sororities”, it’s their culture it needs to be appropriately done. The resting fact is that while they may not have meant it, Native Americans in North Carolina and Nationally found it offensive so that’s why it matters.

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  • mariachio 10 years ago on People Are Now Finding A DISNEY PRINCESS Performance Offensive, Because Sorority Girls

    This completely misses and twists the issue. No one was attacking the sorority itself, just the fact that they misused/misrepresented numerous diverse cultures across the USA by grouping them all together. They combined different traditions, cultures, and religious objects/acts that’s what caused offense to the Native Americans of North Carolina as well as Native American’s nationally. The issue is not respecting or differentiating between the different tribes. It’s there history, their culture, their religious practices and just like your own religious beliefs and heritage they should be respected. Again, this is not an attack on sororities just pointing out the negative stereotypes and a request for a sensitive attitudes towards other cultures.

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