methree (PNM)

Member Since 10/19/2017

From Arizona

  • methree 7 years ago on Literally, Why Can't I Say #MeToo?

    I feel a bit enraged by this article. I feel it trivialises what may or may not have happened to me and that anyone who posts #metoo has to question whether they have that right. Do I have that right to post…… As a naive 15 year old, I got myself into situations which I certainly wouldn’t now. I just wanted to be friendly and have friends and feel I was taken advantage of. I went into someone’s apartment during a sunny afternoon, quite innocently that I had seen around, he put porn on the tv and I said I was leaving and he wouldn’t let me out until I kissed him. I guess it could have been a lot worse! I got a lift home from a party with some other girls and when I was the last to be dropped off again the same thing happened ” you can go if you give me a kiss”. A guy I liked walked me home and I kissed him but I had to really try hard to fend him off from getting his hands into my pants. Does this justify my posting #metoo

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