Michael Epic (Big)

Member Since 01/21/2014

From Tennessee

  • Michael Epic 10 years ago on Sorority Girls Are Not Stupid

    Your stance on the stereotypes associated with ditzy sorority girls seems almost like an oxymoron to me, honestly.

    I’ve been to numerous college campuses because I am a musician and I hand out flyers about songs I create trying very hard to carve myself a niche with my music. I run into “sorority girls” often when I unknowingly knock on the house door and a blonde haired blue eyed busty beauty takes one look at me, rolls her eyes and asks me “Um, can I help you?”

    Me? I’m 6 foot, 220lbs and about 40lbs overweight. I’m pale like you’d expect from a gamer and I’ve got a beard, cargo shorts and some t-shirt that likely has something nautical or tropical printed on it. I’m rocking sandals, a short hair cut that is just messily arranged on my head and a very polite and happy attitude.

    I don’t buy clothes, sunglasses, cologne or anything with brand names on it. I don’t really hardly buy anything because I treat my girlfriend like a princess and take her to Broadway shows, ballet shows and anywhere else she or I want to go. Circus on Saturday in fact! She’s taking me for all the places I’ve taken her too!

    You and every other cookie cutter barbie doll in the world take one look at me and stamp me “that guy”. I’m that “creeper” who’s at your doorstep handing out flyers about some dance songs I’ve made. I’m the guy that you assume was in love with you in high school that you never even batted an eyelash at. All of your sorority girls and cookie cutter barbie dolls judge me and everyone else all day every day while you sip on your non fat blah blah latte from Starbucks.

    But you know who else I am? I’m also the father of two beautiful boys who love me to death because I am one of the last of the dying breed of good parents. I’ve got a family business that thrives and is doing well and helps the community as well as supports 12 mouths. I’ve got dreams and aspirations of changing the world and I scratch and claw my way there with my business, my music and anything else I can do. I’m the guy who will shake your hand, give you a high five, compliment your dress or just say hey…have a great day today even if I don’t know you and we’re passing on the street.

    I won a $10,000 scratch off ticket and bought an ex-girlfriend a car with no strings attached because for 5 years she’s been stuck in a dead end job within walking distance of her home because no one will help her. I’m THAT GUY who is generous and selfless and willing to do things no one else will because its morally and ethically right.

    I play video games, rave about the kill streak I get in Dust 514 or Battlefield 4. I order pizzas when I feel lazy and don’t want to cook something. I sometimes lay in bed all day long on a day off just because I can.

    You sorority girls don’t want me to judge you for being “that girl”? Stop judging me for being “that guy” with every negative stereotype you can muster because I’m not athletic looking, not hollywood fit, rock no 6 pack abs, don’t drive a mustang or play sports. You assume I’m desperate, a creeper and a loner when in fact I’m actually the nicest guy you will likely meet because I will go above and beyond even my own limitations to make you smile or laugh for no other reason than hey, its awesome to smile.

    Maybe I’m everything you would expect, but I’m also everything you wouldn’t. I am a normal average everyday guy — and that does not make me a creeper, a fatty, a loser, a nerd, a geek or any type of person who warrants the “ew” response as you close your sorority door with the look of disgust on your face because I gave you a flyer.

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