Miss_Marvelous (New Member)

Member Since 07/18/2016

From Kansas

  • Miss_Marvelous 8 years ago on This Is What It Really Feels Like To Get An IUD Inserted

    Was it the worst pain I’ve ever experienced in my entire life? Yes. Was it the best decision I’ve ever made and would I do it all over again? YES and 100x YES! I’ve had the mirena for a little over a year now and I. Love. It. IUD’s are amazing and sooo are the benefits. Benefit #1 never having to think about let alone worry about taking a pill every day. #2 mirena lasts for FIVE years!! That’s 1,825 pills I won’t have to take, look at, or worry about. #3 this is a benefit you don’t hear about very often but it’s my favorite, I almost never (I’m talking like 5 plus months) have a period. When I do? they’re light and last for all of a day. There’s a million other benefits but that’s all it took to convince me! Now onto the pain. If I’m going to be completely honest, it sucked. Even though my nurse practitioner and I took every precaution. This included the ibuprofen prior, being on my period (your cervix naturally dilates), and inserting a pill they give to prego women to help dilate things further. Now the pain comes from when they stick a tool up there to dilate/pry open your cervix, not from when they actually insert the IUD. That’s why it’s said to be less painful for women who have had children, they’ve already pushed a whole human being out of there. Anyway, back to an honest account of how it felt (at least for me). It was as if I was being stabbed and lit on fire from the inside out. The kind of pain that makes you forget about everything else in the world except for that little spot behind your belly button. I actually yelled/screamed. But it lasted for less than 30 seconds. I felt a little light headed directly after but a few minutes later I got dressed and got food (they actually recommend you eat beforehand and now I understand why) then went home with cramps and my new best friend! The next 24 hours consisted of my heating pad, those heat therapy patches (I HIGHLY RECOMMEND these) and a few more Advil. By the next evening I was able to get up and go out! I don’t mean to scare anyone away from getting an IUD, I just want everyone to go in with full knowledge that it might hurt. But again it lasted for less than thirty seconds, and with the mirena there are 5+ years of benefits! Seriously thankful for this article!

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