MNGO (Little)

Member Since 09/10/2014

From California

  • MNGO 10 years ago on The Truth About Being In A Bottom-Tier Sorority

    I spent my best years of college being what my school considered the “bottom tier” sorority. I think it takes a strong sisterhood to rally against it and make others see what is so special about your sorority that maybe others put down because of the differences they aren’t used to seeing in movies. No we weren’t skinny, no we weren’t tall, tan, and beach blonde, but were leaders in organizations across campus, smart, diverse and friendly.

    I think the worst feeling wasn’t being judged by the outsiders, but when a member would feel like their letters made them less of a person and would rather drop. Or when girls going through recruitment thought they were better than your sorority, better than you.. It can really eat at a person’s self confidence. But that is why you have sisters <3

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