MorganKash14 (PNM)

Member Since 04/23/2014

From Arkansas

  • MorganKash14 10 years ago on A Non-Smoker Explains Why It's Completely Reprehensible To Rag On Your Friends For Smoking

    The more you nag on someone for their “wrong doing” the more driven their going to be to continue to do it and possibly do it more. I smoke just whenever I feel the urge to have one. I have a heart condition I shouldn’t drink or smoke eat chocolate or even have caffeine… I’m going to die from something we all are.. Nothing actually gives you cancer it just speeds up the process.. It’s a proven fact. My heart is just going to give out one day we don’t know when or why… But you can bet your ass I’m going to eat a brownie or have a drink with my friends. I’d rather die doing what I love and enjoying myself than making my self insane by trying to please everyone else that thinks oh that cigs gonna give you cancer. Oh yea? So is just about anything else. So let me do what I want.

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