Mssmith211 (Little)

Member Since 02/23/2015

From Texas

  • Mssmith211 9 years ago on This Girl Claims Her Nightmarish Sorority Is Fining Her A Sh*t Ton For Trying To Deactivate

    I wish she would have thought this through before she decided to blast it to social media.(especially Reddit.) I would have tried to get into contact with an alumni from my house and see if they had any advice, and it seems like she was not taught her by-laws very well…which is shocking to me. This sorority may actually have these issues, but bringing it to reddit is not going to help her situation. She should have taken a completely different route, and tried to speak with her sisters, alumni, and if all else fails go to nationals. Social media is NEVER the place to talk about your problems, and can really come back to bite you in the bottom…

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