Myfanwy71 (PNM)

Member Since 10/21/2017

From Missouri

  • Myfanwy71 7 years ago on Literally, Why Can't I Say #MeToo?

    I completely identify with what you wrote. Women are trained from birth that we are overly emotional, make a big deal out of nothing, etc. Look at movies, tv shows, heck, the president. Every rape that is prosecuted is scrutinized not for truth or fabrication but for justification. As in she was drunk so it really wasnt rape. She put herself in that position. Or just look at what she wore. Etc.
    The thing is the “not that bad” is that bad if it is not ok with you. People treat us how we allow them I once heard. I initially found that offensive but it is true if you dont defend yourself a creep will find you and take advantage. Other men often dont get it but we women do. #metoo is we women banding together and fighting back as a team. Whether or not it was “real rape”, “legitimate rape”, “technical rape”, “almost rape”, sexual harrassment, “unwanted flirting”, whatever. If it really happened (and what woman would want to put herself thru what happens when you report a rape for a fabrication) and it was unwanted, i always will stand with a fellow female. I dont want to live in a world anymore where bad men get to do the disgusting things they do with a slap on the wrist.

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