NeighborsLauren (PNM)

Member Since 01/23/2017

From Missouri

  • NeighborsLauren 8 years ago on Why Your Sorority Sucks: Alpha Xi Delta

    I am sorry to say that the pool of ideas to write about has gotten so low that you have resorted to bashing different sororities. As I am sure you know, there are many sisterhoods and bonds and they are all unique and AMAZING in their own way. For a brand such as TSM to make a series like this one, only pushes Greek communities further away when unity is already a hard thing to conquer. As a follower of Total Sorority Move, I have to say I am just overall disappointed in this article as well as the other ones directed towards “Why a sorority sucks.” I hope you take this comment as constructive and decide that it’s not good publicity to slander your main followers.

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