I only break the rules because they’re stupid. TSM.
I only break the rules because they’re stupid. TSM.
The majority of your camera roll being screenshots of PNMs’ Instagram posts. TSM.
Bringing your sunglasses out with you at night, because you know you’ll want them for the walk home in the morning. TSTC.
She puts the “hell” in “Panhellenic.” TSM.
I may be crazy, but you’d still rather be with me than against me. TSM.
Graduating from college but never from the group chat. TSM.
Always be crafting. TSM.
Having a list of future Insta captions in your notes. TSM.
Waiting for mod podge to dry is the crafting equivalent to waiting for a boy to text you back. TSM.
Stalking PNMs the second they graduate high school. TSM.