notadumbwhore (New Member)

Member Since 08/07/2014

From New Jersey

  • notadumbwhore 10 years ago on Why Romantic Guys Are Actually The WORST

    This is the most ridiculous and pathetic thing I’ve ever read in my life. In fact, this article is a perfect example of why girls are treated like garbage. Good luck becoming the light of anyone’s life when you’re such a bitter, entitled bitch. Since when is it so awful for a guy to compliment a girl that isn’t already his girlfriend? Does it make you so uncomfortable for someone, who for some reason has enough interest in you to consider a date, throws you a compliment? How about accepting it and appreciating the fact that he has the balls to tell you how he feels? Keep it up and you’ll end up with the same careless douchebags that treat you exactly how you’re asking to be treated. Later on, you can cry about it over a bottle of Pinot Grigio while watching “Under The Tuscan Sun” and wonder why you’re still a lonely, sour scumbag.

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