notgreekintentionally (Big)

i dont care

Member Since 01/28/2014

From Indiana

  • notgreekintentionally 10 years ago on Confessions Of A GDI

    1. Did I ever say I was surprised? See your second point.
    2. How was it NOT productive? I think it was productive. It generated a conversation and maybe made some people think in ways they would not have before. Obviously there’s no way to gauge that, but there’s always the possibility. And if not, well, I’ve been sufficiently entertained.
    3. Don’t remember making that generalization. If I did, it wasn’t intentional. But you can look at nearly any TSM/TFM, etc. article that discusses GDIs and easily see what I refer to.
    4. Clearly, “life’s not fair.” Doesn’t mean I can’t do anything to work to change it. I don’t feel a need to defend this. We wouldn’t get anywhere on the topic, just based on your points for it.
    5. That sounds so simple at face value, but it really isn’t. There is literally so much more to it. If it was that easy, I would have done it. Besides, who is to say I would have seen it if I entered into it? I may have fallen prey to the views I’m opposing (not likely, but who can say?). “We’ll take care of it ourselves.” Clearly that’s working out for you.

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  • notgreekintentionally 10 years ago on Confessions Of A GDI

    I understand what you’re saying. Your comment didn’t hurt my feelings, but I appreciate the apology. I did generally appreciate your comment and took it as an opportunity to open a discussion. What did upset me is that you didn’t see it the same way, but what can I expect, this is only the internet! I also appreciate what you’re saying about it not being a part of sisterhood- and I guess, ultimately, that’s the point I’m trying to make (just in a lot more words haha). Keep up that attitude, and maybe more will follow suit.

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  • notgreekintentionally 10 years ago on Confessions Of A GDI

    Obviously there will always be those people. And I guess my question is, why is no one working harder to change that? I appreciate your apology and I appreciate that you seem to be the only person to see what I’ve been trying to say. So thank you for that. I love constructive conversation and I believe you have done that. Also, your second paragraph is true.

    As for “GDI,” on my campus it has always been applied to anyone who isn’t Greek for whatever the reason may be- it’s informal. It’s unfortunate that a group such as the one your campus has exists, because that is very counterproductive and harmful to the idea of “equality” (?) between groups.

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  • notgreekintentionally 10 years ago on Confessions Of A GDI

    The question was never asked. And I don’t spend time on this website. This was the first time I have ever been on it, and that’s only because my Greek best friend sent the article to me as a joke. And it literally does not matter how I respond, because everyone will shit on me anyway. That’s the nature of it. I have spent the past three years of my collegiate life being shit on because I’m not Greek. Do you think I genuinely care? I don’t. But I will always jump at the opportunity to give people a different perspective. And look at how that’s worked out. Never once (at least initially, and I don’t think I did after that) did I personally bash being Greek, but look at the damn response I got. That’s why I commented in the first place. Because I knew people would be butthurt about someone outside of their community jumping in and giving another view. That’s how it always is, right? Then I tried being reasonable. Same response, I was made a joke of. I don’t care what Greeks think of me. I don’t. I’ve dealt with it long enough to know that I. Don’t. Care. But other people do, and other people can be hurt by it. What I do care about is how Greeks feel they get to perceive people outside of their community; that’s just not fair. I should think treating people like shit for being different is not what being Greek is about. And yet here we are. It’s easy to say “you shouldn’t care what we think,” but that solves nothing. That’s the easy way out. Instead of looking at your own actions and perceptions, you put it on the other people. Do you see what I’M getting at?

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  • notgreekintentionally 10 years ago on Confessions Of A GDI

    Hey, I like you. I like what you’re saying. But let me ask this- Why should a community be able to talk about “GDIs” without “GDIs” being able to represent themselves? It’s no different then smack-talking behind someone’s back in real life. I’m not saying this article is inherently bad or smack talking, because I know that there are lots of unaffiliated girls who probably feel that way. But that doesn’t mean we all do, yeah? And that’s something I’d like to see worked in within the Greek community (and many Greeks I know have said the same). On my campus, every “GDI” is treated as a PNM. To them, it is just simply unacceptable that anyone would not want to join their community. Why is it so unthinkable that someone may not want to be Greek? Greek life has its downfalls, just the same as being unaffiliated does. It’s a choice. Also- why mock girls who wanted to go Greek and then didn’t make the cut? The Greek community literally puts them in that position and then thinks it’s okay to mock them for being unaffiliated (I’m looking at your attitude Delta_Life). But, alas, because I’m a “GDI” (which also goes to affirm that people can’t handle people choosing not to be/not being Greek. Why label us with letters when we chose not to take/didn’t get any?), it’s sad to say that my 2 cents most likely won’t be considered, and any amount of downvotes I get will be able to reaffirm THAT.

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