OnlyGrnEydPocahontas (New Member)

Raised in our tribal community within Wetumpka, then worked at our casino from age 14 until I graduated-and got the hell outta there! Received full scholarships to everywhere I applied.. I'm very smart which obviously helped these accolades but it's probably a race quota thing ha ANYWAYS I chose UA for undergrad & am now enrolled at UAB for med school (: I'm a hardcore Crimson Tide fan! I am extremely blessed that my family gets season tickets to Bama Football games each year which I'm beyond grateful for, And I'm beyond thankful for the life I've been given! Yes, I can shoot a bow & arrow for those who were wondering... I'm a proud DZ alumni, am fluent in Spanish & have a photographic memory which is a blessing and a curse haha(;

Member Since 05/05/2015

From Alabama

  • OnlyGrnEydPocahontas 9 years ago on An Open Letter To The Man Who Assaulted Me

    Imagine being raped by a man in prison, screaming for help to everyone but everyone chooses to not stop it because they don’t want to get involved. No matter how much you fight back, you are painfully forced to do whatever the rapist wants. For as long as they want. Maybe there are two or more men taking turns, and all you can do is scream, pray, and cry. When it’s finally over, you tell the prison guard. After filling out your statement, you are examined and swabbed. And you know what would happen to you?! You’d be put in “protective custody” for however long it takes to go through the “proper channels” meaning YOU would be punished longer FOR BEING RAPED. Truly imagine that and maybe you might realize how awful it is to be raped and go through the judiciary process. It’s been over 3 or more years since my attack, yet I carry a buck knife on me at all times, have a gun in my car, try to always walk close to random groups of people (instead of alone) and make sure I’m always in well-lit areas. But you’re probably right, I made up my story, do the actions I listed above, and have anxiety to the point of being diagnosed with PTSD just for the hell of it. I Must’ve been kidding around the day I pulled a cocked and loaded gun, unprovoked, on MY OWN FATHER for no reason.
    You are so blind to the enormity of the rape epidemic that’s been occurring-or at the very least, just idiotic-that you need a seeing eye dog to help your dumbass begin to head towards ending occurrences such as the ones listed. I hope you never are assaulted sexually, only to have everyone accuse you of lying or that you’d wanted such a horrible thing to happen to you. SMDH.

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  • OnlyGrnEydPocahontas 9 years ago on An Open Letter To The Man Who Assaulted Me

    Idiot, did you ever think of the possibility that she couldn’t see him, whether it be from darkness, a blindfold possibly being used or threats on her life if she looked at him, or maybe, like myself, she was dosed but unaware due to the half-life of the drug?!?! If more than a certain amount of time passes it won’t show up on a standard drug test-urine or blood that is. If that happens they test the root of a hair of yours but it takes so much longer to get the results. There are a plethora of other reasons girls don’t report it. Imagine the humiliation you’d feel telling a male cop, in person, exactly*** what happened to you; literally word for word, every single action, like condom or no condom, where on your body were you raped & for how long, where did the person ejaculate, was it inside you or outside of you, did they force you to perform oral, were you told to say anything, did they say anything personal about you such as a friend’s name, or said what you did that day…. I Know This because I reported it! Then had the most uncomfortable rape kit done, yet the rapists to this day got away with it completely. So tell me what I did wrong to make you say you don’t believe these stories?! Would it take someone witnessing the whole thing to make it believable to you?!?! Go jump off a cliff, asshole.

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  • OnlyGrnEydPocahontas 9 years ago on An Open Letter To The Man Who Assaulted Me

    I was visiting a friend who was in a fraternity at a college in Alabama, and we went to another fraternity’s party. It was fun until I suddenly couldn’t stand, speak, or walk. A guy and his friend were “supposedly helpin me get where I was staying” yet we walked the opposite direction-the next thing I remember was being raped by two guys taking turns, one held me down while the other would rape-one slipped a lot of GHB in my drink earlier that night, making it impossible to do anything besides weep silently to myself. When they saw me crying they punched my face, strangled me then hit me in the face and ribs. I’ve never felt so helpless before then, and sadly the only relief I got was when they knocked me out. I never imagined I’d be thankful for two men to hit me hard enough to make me instantly ‘go to sleep’. The Morning after, the sheets were so bloody it looked like someone died….everything hurt, even just blinking. I Grabbed a bat just in case, since I didn’t know where I was then walked to the bathroom as if I were mummified. Then I saw myself and nearly fainted…my entire face was BLACK from bruises, along as swollen to the point where it hurt to speak. My neck had too many perfectly bruised handprints on it to count. My nose was broken, my ribs were all fractured or broken and my inner thighs were purple. I had bite marks on my breasts (though not deep enough to get any dental moldings) and they were demented enough to use razor blades to slice up all my appendages (arms and legs) so I’d bleed and apparently they hit my head w/ somethin that made a gash that consequently gave me a concussion & needed stitches. I was hospitalized a week thanks to them. Turns out they had no affiliation with the fraternity we were at; on top of that they didn’t even attend the school-I only know that because it’s happened to 3 other girls before w/ each attack being nearly identical and on the same date but duriing different months. I Wound up having to have surgery to be able to have children one day. The Only two good things to come from my attack was speaking up about it nationwide, gruesomely describing the entire details of my ordeal (I omitted A LOT here for good reason, trust me!) I also demonstrated how easily you can be slipped something without knowing till it’s too late. Along the end of my speaking engagement at each college/university etc. I slowly showed easy defenses against attackers you did or didn’t see coming and another attack hasn’t happened there in 3-5 urs to my knowledge. My story caused a domino affect amount the girls so I to always know who your with, know your location NEVER let a guy go alone to get you another drink, and lastly, never leave your drink anywhere (like a rando table) without being close enough to watch it or get a trustworthy friend agree to hold it. All these suggestions are of course clichés, I know that, but there are bad people all around you who will grab an “opportunity” when it presents itself. I don’t want anyone to endure the agonizing horror of what I went through. To all victims, you’re not damaged for a lifetime; it’ll take a long process to get past it but it is worth having to bring up the painful memories when needed…he won’t and can’t win this battle-the struggle for normalcy to return to your life and happiness to return to your heart!

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