OscartheGrouch (Big)

Member Since 07/10/2014

From Ohio

  • OscartheGrouch 10 years ago on The Official Ranking Of The Most Boring Schools In Each State

    This ranking is absolute garbage. As a proud graduate of one of your so called “top 10 most boring schools” I can honestly say I was never bored there. I didn’t have much time to be bored playing soccer & ultimate frisbee, running track, water-ballooning random people on campus, or out on a hike at any of the wonderful state parks within an hour or two. As I spent a semester in the foothills of Florence Italy in the University’s own villa, I was certainly thinking “gee I wish I was sitting around swapping spit with some drunk sorority girl.”

    In conclusion your narrow view of what’s acceptable is laughable and cartoonish. Besides, everyone knows that John Brown University is actually the most boring school in Arkansas.

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