pearls1990 (Little)

Member Since 04/30/2014

From North Carolina

  • pearls1990 10 years ago on People Are Now Finding A DISNEY PRINCESS Performance Offensive, Because Sorority Girls

    I was in attendance the night of Airband at UNC-Charlotte. I am a member of another Sorority at Charlotte. I’m sure if most of you seen the actual performance or the video of the performance than you would realize that the Pocahontas segment lasted for MAYBE a minute. They weren’t on stage long. The title of their performance was “Dancing with the Princesses”. They had multiple princesses on stage from many Disney movies. They were in no way trying to be racist or meaning to come off that way. It’s a competition put on by Greek Life at Charlotte that is meant to be fun. I think it’s really sad that the ladies of Sigma Kappa don’t get to stand up for themselves in this situation. They didn’t do anything wrong but give an performance with different Princesses. Also, if you google Pocahontas then you will actually see that she DOES IN FACT have tribal marks on her arm. Google it. The fact that all their handwork on stage and within their Sorority is being put down right now is awful. It was a competition that they worked hard on and now when all these ladies should be studying hard at their exams they are dealing with people telling them they are wrong. It was an AIRBAND performance. Also, what about all the people who dress up for Halloween? Are they all racist now? What about Pocahontas at Disney World? Are they going to attack Disney because they have a Pocahontas there? Sorry to say but not EVERYTHING is racist just because you dress up as a character.

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