PearlsAndBows (New Member)

Member Since 01/14/2011

From Texas

  • PearlsAndBows 10 years ago on A Non-Smoker Explains Why It's Completely Reprehensible To Rag On Your Friends For Smoking

    I hate smoking it is absolutely disgusting, and while you have a point, telling someone not to smoke isn’t the same as those other vices. Second hand smoke increases the risk of having a heart attack by more than 300%. Seriously, look it up, it’s not the lung cancer you die from it’s the heart disease. I wrote my senior thesis on this shit. So maybe, if other things that people do, such as having sex and drinking into oblivion, harmed my health then I would have a problem with them too. So really, it’s extremely selfish to put peoples lives that you don’t know at risk because of a “vice”. So I fully support her doing this, and think any educated lady would want to come across as actually having a brain in her head and say no to smoking. This isn’t the 80’s, smoking isn’t classy, cool or sexy. So yeah I might drink to oblivion, have sex and eat Taco Bell, but I also don’t drive, use birth control, check my cholesterol and run daily. Exactly what do smokers do to reverse the damage they are doing to their (and the rest of our) bodies?

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