He passive-aggressively liked my Facebook photo so I aggressive-aggressively bitched him out. TSM.
He passive-aggressively liked my Facebook photo so I aggressive-aggressively bitched him out. TSM.
I only drink to forget my drunken mistakes. TSM.
Senior year marking your quarter life crisis. TSM.
“I only do that when I’m drunk.”
“Yeah, but when are you not drunk?” TSTC.
Using your little as an excuse to party like freshman. TSM.
Two inches of snow being too much to drive to class, but two feet not keeping you from happy hour. TSM.
Not understanding why exec wants to lose the “party girl” stereotype the chapter has. TSTC.
“Hey, I’m the only one allowed to talk shit on her.” TSM.
When your wedding is basically just a giant social between his brothers and your sisters. TSM.
Secretly hating PC ’16, because they have four years ahead of them. TSM.