Phratter (New Member)

Member Since 02/02/2011

From Oregon

  • Phratter 13 years ago on Florida State University

    There’s nothing wrong with aspiring to be a good wife and mother. It’s possible to do both of those things and have a full-time job, but if I’m making a ton of money (and I will, don’t let any geed bullshitter tell you any different), I’m ok with having my wife enjoy the luxury and focus on the growth of our kids. That being said it’s nice if she’s not a total idiot. No real fratstar would marry a complete ditz, but if my girl is a little more focused on girly things than law, I’ll survive.

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  • Phratter 13 years ago on University of Michigan

    Unless you’re drinking it like a russian. Straight from the bottle while hazing everyone within arms reach.

    And the original comment is funny as fuck.

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