pinkmsbubbles (Little)

Member Since 01/21/2014

From North Carolina

  • pinkmsbubbles 10 years ago on Sorority Girls Are Not Stupid

    While you may be a sorority girl and pose an argument that every sorority girl wants to scream, all you talk about is your stereotypical interests and activities? You never discuss what doesn’t make you stupid. All I see is “yes I’m this…” and “Maybe I’m this…” but you never discuss what sorority girls ARE NOT. Sounds to me like you are nothing but a sorority girl…If you’re going to make an argument that you are not stupid, you might want to say other things than what we expect…like something I don’t know…I’m not stupid. Look I’m not saying that you’re stupid, but what’s your point in this article? You say nothing that is ground breaking and nothing that stands out. I love Target just as much as any girl, but what is your point? Sounds to me like you enjoy spending money and watching other people’s drama…I like your point about being studious and going to the library…but why all these “yes i do this” comments? Everyone goes to church…and everyone cries during animal shelter commercials…that doesn’t make you not stupid. Maybe your character isn’t in the right place…maybe hash tagging everything shouldn’t be your priority…maybe you can live your life without looking and acting like everyone else. Each person deserves to be their own individual, and you should embrace that. Sorority girls are clones of one another…yeah I have friends who have the same interests as me but that doesn’t mean I have to look and act exactly like them. I’m not saying you are stupid, by all means I know you have some brains, but what my goal is by commenting on this article is for you to examine what you wrote and see that you wrote nothing that resonates with others besides sorority girls, and isn’t that what you want? Isn’t the point of this article to accept that sorority girls aren’t what they show on the outside? All I see is another reason to ignore and roll my eyes at sorority girls. I have no history or bad past with sororities either. It is simply my belief that even though you are in a sorority does not mean that you should be viewed this way. But the only reason that you are is of what you portray on the outside. And what you portray on the outside is everything that you wrote in this entire article…what are your interests other than every sorority girl on this planet? What do you enjoy doing in your own time, not in social gatherings? Who are you? Why are you in college? What do you hope to accomplish during your college career and beyond? I love the idea that sororities support one another and that you gain a sisterhood, but there is nothing unique that I see. And listen, I hate being judged. It’s my worst fear. However, you can’t not be expected to be judged when you display all the stereotypical activities of a sorority girl…don’t judge a book by its cover gets old when all you see is the same book over and over and over again.

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