privilegedbutnotspoiled (Big)

Member Since 06/10/2015

From New York

  • privilegedbutnotspoiled 9 years ago on I'm Privileged And I Won't Apologize For Using It To My Advantage

    no one is asking you to apologize; just be cognizant of it and don’t criticize other people who may not be doing as well as you because you never know what else they have on their plate that you don’t. also, whenever possible, use your advantaged position to help those around you. basically, don’t talk down to people, which no one should do anyway.

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  • privilegedbutnotspoiled 9 years ago on 41 Things You Should Never Apologize For

    it’s important to distinguish that it’s okay to use privilege to your advantage, as long as you acknowledge it and acknowledge the fact that those with lack of privilege who got to the same place as you are probably (read: definitely) had to work harder for it. That doesn’t mean you did’t work for it, and that you didn’t work hard for it.
    Also, don’t take advantage of your privilege in such a way that ostracizes others or even worse takes away opportunities from them.

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  • privilegedbutnotspoiled 9 years ago on My Boyfriend Is Poor

    Just because you are fortunate enough that your parents can support you doesn’t mean you have to be so damn spoiled and entitled. I am EXTREMELY lucky to have parents that are able to support me financially during the year and during summer even if I couldn’t find a full-time paying internship. However, there is the understanding that I won’t spend money excessively and on useless things. Furthermore, his financial support is given with the understanding that even though I am not making my own money, I am furthering myself in other ways such as doing well in school or taking internships that will provide valuable experience for future careers. I’m staying in the cheapest apartment I could find in the city and I spend as efficiently as possible on groceries by buying in bulk whenever possible and avoid going out to eat excessively. I try to ensure that roughly 90% of “Daddy’s” money only pays for things that are absolute necessities. I rarely ever shop for clothes (maybe once or twice a year) and when I do, it’s always at cheaper stores like target or consignment stores with heavy discounts. I’m not proud to admit that I have slipped up and once or twice over-stepped my budget, but whenever this happens I always make sure to learn from my mistakes to avoid the same situation in the future. There is a way to benefit from, and be grateful for privilege without wantonly abusing it.

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