ReadABook11 (New Member)

Member Since 08/27/2015

From Virginia

  • ReadABook11 9 years ago on Stop Saying The Signs At Old Dominion Are About Rape Culture

    I find it incredibly hard to believe that you’re pursuing a Master’s Degree, studying a topic based on rape culture, and fail to see why this instance promotes rape culture. Maybe you’ve wasted a lot of time and money. Is anyone actually calling them rapists? I’m not, because they certainly didn’t rape anyone. THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT THE SIGNS DID NOT PROMOTE RAPE CULTURE. Essentially, what these boys put on a sign and hung from their residence says nothing but, “Hey, we’re gonna put our penises in your daughters. Hell, we’d do it to your wife, too! That’s what women are for!” How the hell do you not understand the correlation between the inferences that these signs make and rape culture? These signs did nothing but sexualize women and reduce them to flesh. Aren’t you sick of that? You should be. Excusing this type of behavior and language is a HUGE part of the problem. I applaud Broderick for speaking out against the members of Sigma Nu for doing this. If more men were held responsible for the terrible stuff that comes out of their mouths before they’ve been educated on why they shouldn’t say or do things like that, maybe we wouldn’t have such a huge problem with rape culture on college campuses to begin with. Educating is key, and making an example out of this showed people everywhere that this kind of crap won’t be tolerated anymore. I can’t guarantee that signs like this won’t be hung on ODU’s campus ever again, but a lot more boys out there will certainly think about what the repercussions of doing so would be because of this. But by all means, let’s continue to use the old adage “boys will be boys” and excuse their classless behavior so that we can perpetuate the fucking cycle. Bravo.

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