Real_talk (PNM)

Member Since 02/18/2016

From New York

  • Real_talk 8 years ago on Alabama To Do INSANE Weekly Drug Tests On Fraternities And Sororities Every Week

    It’s a choice to join a fraternity or sorority. Athletes are subject to be drug tested, if you are that mad about it maybe you should start thinking about your drug usage? Btw Xanax is a benzo which is actually very addictive and not a “safe” or non-hardcore drug. If your 21 you can drink so just staying away from the weed should be the hardest thing for most people. If any other drugs are “tough” for you to stay away from than might want to re-evaluate your drug use. Anyways remember urine test all drugs but marijuana stay in your system for 3 to 4 days, depending one occasional use. Marijuana stays in the system for a while and hair tests are very exspensive so I would doubt they would use that one often.

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