Remy (New Member)

Member Since 03/28/2014

From Louisiana

  • Remy 10 years ago on A Northerner's Thoughts On The South

    I’m from New Orleans, born and raised. Yup, we’re all polite bc either our mamas would whup our behinds if we weren’t or honestly, we’d be an anomaly. Also, we tend to abidea by the Golden Rule. I haven’t ever heard anyone in the “Deep South” say Bless your heart unless they were older folk 🙂 But if we were to curse someone out, it’s grounds for a fist fight. An accidental wedge to the neck would likely get you in a fist fight here. But if it were something maybe less painful, I’d laugh and buy you a drink and we’d be be new friends. Honestly, you’d get a Hey man, wtf around hereafter. Also, we consider the Carolinas to be the North lol. Your article was relatively spot on. (And I would *never* call you ma’am! I suppose it depends on where in the South you are, and also who you’re speaking to. A store clerk will call you ma’am as a gesture of deference.)

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