roadrunner12 (New Member)

Member Since 09/17/2014

From Virginia

  • roadrunner12 10 years ago on One Girl's Heartbreaking Tale Of Why She Dropped Recruitment -- And Why It Needs To Change

    Obviously none of you are reading this fully. She was not ranking this as her last choice based on the sororities apperence/status but based on the fact that members were rude and openly telling girls that the only reason they were invited back was due to low turnout.
    If you don’t make a connection with a sorority, you’re not going to rank them highly. If a sorority TELLS YOU that they don’t want you, you’re sure as hell not going to want to go back.
    As someone who JUST went through recruitment, I had a similar experience with a house making it very clear on day one that I was not wanted. Me putting them last on my list was not me deciding which “tier” they were, but just me accepting that I was not going to find my home with them.

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