rosaliae (Little)

Member Since 08/10/2015

From California

  • rosaliae 9 years ago on Insensitive Guy Makes Rape Joke In A Women's Facebook Group, Causes Literal Chaos

    Hi, this is someone who read the entire original post that led to this fiasco, and I have to say, I’m wholeheartedly siding with the poster in this article. Regardless of how she reacted to the people who were annoying (which wasn’t that bad, to be honest), the point was to keep the content cooler-related and not tolerate people who directly post things about touchy subjects or perpetuate the idea that it’s okay to do so. She may not have been “totally innocent”, but how is that even close to being compared to a guy joking about slipping someone roofies? It’s definitely not. The way she talked to some people in no way excuses the fact that someone literally tried to make something that serious into a damn joke.

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