Rugliquid (Little)

Member Since 05/31/2014

From Oklahoma

  • Rugliquid 10 years ago on The "Friend Zone" Is A Myth

    As a guy that has been in the friend zone multiple times, I’ve never once blamed the girl for it? It surprised me to see this article talking about the girls being blamed for putting the guy in the friend zone. The reason is I’ve always seen it as my fault if I’ve been relegated to the friend zone, because I was maybe too passive instead of having the balls to go after what I wanted, or maybe I waited too long to make a move. My circle of friends and I have always looked at it like there is a window of time between meeting a girl and becoming “friendzoned,” and you have to make it happen with that girl before your window passes (if you even have a chance with said girl), because once you get friendzoned, that zone is most likely your home for the rest of that relationship/’s almost impossible to escape the friendzone. In my whole life I’ve never heard a guy blame a girl for putting him in the friendzone. Any smart guy knows that if he’s been friendzone’d, it’s either his fault, or it’s nobody’s fault and they were just meant to be friends.

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