rusalka (Little)

Member Since 04/18/2014

From Texas

  • rusalka 10 years ago on 21 Things That Every Girl With Big Boobs Understands

    Yes, they’re obviously not the same but they hold similar volumes. It’s not particularly cost effective for VS to carry hundreds of different cup and band combinations so they sell limited ranges and measure for the closest fit they can provide.

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  • rusalka 10 years ago on 21 Things That Every Girl With Big Boobs Understands

    #10 and #17 make me so sad! 30G is NOT huge. It’s equivalent to what Victoria Secret would probably say is a 38DD.
    I always thought I was a 36D for the longest time because of VS, but years ago I got remeasured elsewhere at a 30FF which is what I’ve been wearing ever since and my boobs couldn’t be happier! Clothes fit better, I have less issue with button gaping, and I have tons of super sexy and cute bras! My favorite brand is Freya.
    Go get measured at a real bra store like Nordstrom. Your boobs will thank you.

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