rushcrush23 (Big)

Member Since 08/27/2015

From Texas

  • rushcrush23 9 years ago on I Regret Being A "Good Girl" In College, And So Will You

    This isn’t good advice. I say, go out and have fun but remember why you’re in school. Your parents (or maybe yourself, if you’re not as blessed to have parents pay your tuition) aren’t funding your drinking, you can drink and party anywhere. There won’t BE a career/bright future if you don’t give a crap about school. Don’t let social media fool you into thinking you aren’t have a great college experience. Chances are, getting good grades and having fun (while still being responsible) is a lot more fun and stress-free than getting blackout everyday and stressing about the possibility of not graduating on time or at all. If someone wants to go and just party all the time, that’s their prerogative, but, honestly?? College should first and foremost be about learning, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun too.

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