sailboatsis365 (Little)

Member Since 06/04/2015

From Pennsylvania

  • sailboatsis365 9 years ago on You Might Never Have To Buy Super-Jumbo Tampons Again Thanks To This Weird AF Underwear

    The Cosmo writer clearly didn’t do her research because the company’s website itself says that “Thinx are made to be a backup to tampons or menstrual cups…” The Cosmo author even wrote that you wear the underwear without pads, tampons, etc. and just bleed freely which isn’t the case at all. The underwear are made to prevent leakage (from your pad or tampon) and they obviously didn’t work for her because she didn’t understand how to use the product. It’s a shame because I’m sure hundreds of women were freaked out by that article and distracted from the whole goal of their production–to keep girls in third world countries in school while they’re on their periods. The actual products are seemingly well though out, pretty attractive, and helps girls in other countries. If used the way they are supposed to be, they’re no more different than a regular pair of underwear, just sturdier and more reassuring. And if that is the case, why keep paying for cheaply made, overpriced Victoria’s Secret underwear when you could actually contribute to helping someone else?

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