SanDiegoFratter (Big)

Member Since 04/30/2013

From California

  • SanDiegoFratter 10 years ago on The Truth About Being In A Bottom-Tier Sorority

    This was mostly a great article. However there is one aspect I wish you have addressed and that’s guys. I think a lot of the superficial part has less to do with the people you’re around and more to do with the people you get to associate with, i.e. hot sorority with hot fraternity.
    As someone who was considered to be in a “bottom tier” fraternity many of your points hold true. However, something that always bothered me was when girls would say we had the nicest guys AND the best parties, but would go to other fraternities cuz they just wanted a hot guy to hook up with. This wasn’t just random nights, this would be social chairs who would go against long relations to try and move their way up the ladder. And I want it to be clear, it wasn’t that they had anything against “bottom tier” fraternities, its just that they wanted to move their way up. In much the same way fraternities do the same thing to sororities.
    I think that maybe “bottom tier” fraternities and sororities are actually putting each other down and keeping them there. Both sides are supposed to move up that they don’t always appreciate the connections they have. I mean what’s it say when a “bottom” house calls a house “bottom tier.”
    My whole point being that maybe if men and women from both sides built up the fraternity/sorority they have relations with and put out more positive gossip, then maybe that would spread or at the very least help to counteract the negative opinions that circulate.

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  • SanDiegoFratter 10 years ago on Man Releases Video Claiming UCF's Beta Theta Pi Blackballed Him Because He's Gay, Fraternity Denies Allegations

    While although Hot Piece says that it could easily be this guy lying, I appreciate her saying but hey there’s too may pieces missing and hey maybe the fraternity did do some thing. Let’s just realize this could go either way. There’s a few things not taken into account.
    First of all saying that members of the LGBT community are just sometimes victims diminishes their struggles. Although they are not always victims, your wording implies that it is like 50/50 or something. The fact of the matter is the LGBT people ARE still victims in a lot of situations and are constantly discriminated against. There are people who can still be fired for being gay and most states still don’t have the right to marry. So please realize that heterosexual privilege is incredibly real.
    While the article makes mention of finance issues and that could be completely legitimate, it seems weird that it wouldn’t be explicitly addressed to him (or maybe I misunderstood the part about USA Today’s report).
    On the mention of why one member might be kicked out and another not, it simple. Not all gay men are the same. The one who remained could be much more quiet about his sexuality and not ever go for guys and just keep it to himself and seem more straight. Meanwhile this guy could simply be more flamboyant and out there and maybe he tried bringing a guy to a party or something. I don’t know.

    Anyways my point is not to criticize your article, because I think for the most part you tried to remain unbiased. I just want to make sure you are in fact properly aware/educated on what happens to members of the LGBT community in this country.

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  • SanDiegoFratter 10 years ago on I Am A Stereotype

    Probably one of the best articles I’ve read. People are way too worried about fitting a stereotype. Be whoever the fuck you want to be and if it ends up similar to other people than who cares.

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