Using the emergency money your parents gave you on a formal dress, because it’s a fashion emergency. TSM.
Using the emergency money your parents gave you on a formal dress, because it’s a fashion emergency. TSM.
Leaving your bra behind without worry, but freaking out if you leave your phone. TSM.
Losing sorority tug-of-war feels more like winning. TSM.
Listening to “Let it Go” for any mood from happy to sad to standards. TSM.
Playing “Say Yes To The Dress” before formal. TSM.
It’s not a walk of shame when you’re leaving the president’s suite. TSM.
Blasting “Let It Go” while laying out on spring break. TSM.
“Can you, like, not?” TSM.
Your best friends knowing exactly who you’re talking about when you say “Ugh, I hate everyone.” TSM.