SkylerJohnston (Little)

Member Since 02/18/2015

From Arkansas

  • SkylerJohnston 9 years ago on Sorority Girls Just Broke The Internet Over "Racist" Cooler Paintings

    I live in Texas and I absolutely view the confederate flag as a symbol of racism, white supremacy, and southern ideology that should be long gone. Aside from racism, the civil war was a time when women did not have many rights. The civil war, when this flag came about, took place in the 1860s and women suffrage didn’t come about until 1920 with the 19th amendment. This flag represents sexism along with racism and as sorority women we should stand against it together as one gender united, not divided in race. The entirety of this flag and what it represents is offensive to women of all races. Living in Texas, I know many black people who are appalled and afraid when they find a confederate flag. But if racism is still present in people’s minds, then the issue of sexism needs to be raised. The flag should not be painted or flown due to the time it represents, and as sorority women it is our job to stand up against it, not fight for it. Fighting for it is fighting for the ideologies that we have wrestled to rid ourselves of like sexism. We are the United States of America now, we do not need to reminisce of a time when we were divided. Rather we should unite as women from all backgrounds and fight issues at hand, not issues that should have been abolished in 1865.

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