southernaxo (Little)

Member Since 02/27/2011

From Texas

  • southernaxo 13 years ago on Ball State

    Those flowers look disgusting in that coffee mug. And having shoes on the table is definetly not sanitary…

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  • southernaxo 13 years ago on University of West Florida

    Congratulations on your job offer. I suggest you read the Flip Side of Feminism and since you are a Women’s Studies minor, you should study both sides of the argument. As sisters we can agree to disagree on this issue. LITB

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  • southernaxo 13 years ago on University of West Florida

    Thanks for calling me ignorant. You are so sweet! God bless your heart. If only you could find a more useful subject. Have fun studying how to treat women as victims and complaining about how you can’t be successful because society is so unfair to you these days. I’ll stick with International Business and Econ while you whine about being a victim of oppression from men because you can’t find a real job with your woman’s studies minor.

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  • southernaxo 13 years ago on University of West Florida

    To redgreengoldenlyres and CollegePrepster, I hope you guys open your eyes and do a little research on the ERA. You will learn about the feminist movement of attempting to alter the constitution that didn’t go too well for them, thank goodness. And I will reiterate the fact that I understand there is a difference between the 2 movements. My discussion starts from the 1960’s on.

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  • southernaxo 13 years ago on University of West Florida

    Feminist don’t believe woman can be successful in the US because they think they are oppressed by the patriarchy. They need the gov to rescue them and give them advantages but they never mention about all the successful amazing women who have made it far in life like Condoleezza Rice (she was an axo!), Margret Thatcher ect. They don’t recognize success. They have an ideology that we live in an oppressive society. They aren’t for equality; they are for empowerment of the female left! They originally called themselves the Woman’s Liberation Movement. What the hell are they being liberated from? The home, husband and children. You said that they are pro-fam? Well a famous feminist Freidan said that marriage is a “comfortable concentration camp”. Okay what?! Feminists fought for the federal government to finance daycare for all children in order to lift the burden of “taking care of kids while working off their back”. I don’t know about you but I will be taking care of my own children even if I have to take off work for a little bit. And this leads to my next point that you mentioned how Feminists fight for “equal salary”. The media, specifically CBS , always shows polls about how women aren’t paid as much as men. Yes, this is true and it will ALWAYS be true. When women become mothers, they freely choose to care for their children. They take time off of work to care for those children. When they return, it is often on a part time basis and they usually won’t take the dangerous and risky jobs that men do for a higher salary. I’m going to end this with a quote from Ronald Reagan, “Our opponents are not necessarily ignorant, they just know so many things that aren’t true.” I know this is just a tsm post, but what better way to reach out to women our age and show that have been taught lies and have been brainwashed to believe that we owe our freedom to today’s feminism. We owe it to the suffrage movement. Not these leftist women that have an alliance with the Obama Administration.

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  • southernaxo 13 years ago on University of West Florida

    BowsnBrowning…I don’t know if I could handle sitting through a class like that! haha but SratFifthAve, when I hear someone say the word “feminism” today, I don’t usually think they are referring to the meaning from the 1800’s which are respectable. The post modern view of Betty Friedan and her stance with the Equal Rights Amendment is what I have a definitive stance against.

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  • southernaxo 13 years ago on University of West Florida

    haha I know I just get riled up when women says they are feminists because I strongly oppose it and hopefully you’ll not use the word feminist to describe your self again! It’s almost an insult! lol

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  • southernaxo 13 years ago on University of West Florida

    Ok you guys don’t understand the meaning of feminism. For future reference, feminism does NOT give you the choice to embrace your social role. Feminists believe that women should be put into the reserves during war time and if a draft is needed, women must serve!!!! They believe that women should be treated equally from employment to home living. Which means they FROWN upon baking and sandwich making because they think that women DON’T belong in the kitchen. I think that I, as a women should have the choice to personally fulfill my career of choice, even if I want it to a traditional wife and mother. Feminists don’t agree with that!

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  • southernaxo 13 years ago on University of West Florida

    I would argue that feminist politics has not progressed women’s rights but womans rights have come through more of a “natural evolution” aided by men. And there is no such thing as a”conservative feminist”. It’s an oxymoron. Feminist=liberal. And I don’t carry heavy things eitherr! leave it to the guys! We aren’t the same physically obviously so why should we be expected to do the same things they do?! They have the muscles, they carry it!

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