sratgurl5 (Little)

Member Since 01/15/2016

From Maryland

  • sratgurl5 8 years ago on Guys Tell All: Why They Like You, But Won't Date You

    As fellow greek sisters we should be building each other up and not tearing each other down. Claiming we are at fault for what men do or don’t do is shaming to women, I hope that whoever reads this article realizes that if a guy treats you poorly, it’s their loss – we can always do more to be better but always stay true to who you are and never blame yourself for someone elses actions. That’s all.

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  • sratgurl5 8 years ago on Guys Tell All: Why They Like You, But Won't Date You

    The end of this article is pretty offensive and is essentially blaming women for men’s dissatisfaction with the girls they choose to hook up with. We aren’t “trying too hard” or are “too available” – those are excuses for men to disrespect women and no woman should justify that. Saying things like “don’t have sex with me the first or 2nd night” as if it isn’t a decision both consenting adults make is basically saying that whatever you do isn’t good enough, you’re either “too easy” or “you’re taking things too seriously.” This article is offensive to any woman who has been mistreated by a guy and does not take into account that maybe the men being interviewed here are the problem.

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