Fubu jean skirt, cut off basketball jersey and a crack pipe.
…and no job.
You forgot father of 4 or more.
I’d assume that any black guy that looks like that is not in his kids lives.
Agreed, I’d suggest complaining about your chile suppo all night to make sure that’s indicated.
Just don’t paint the face! This is apparently the line that must not be crossed; several men at my school ended up in a lot of trouble for that a few years ago.
There is what you are looking for! If there is a store nearby to you, just go give it a quick whiff and you will understand. Silver Key, when it comes to the smell of my home, I’m willing to spend a little extra for the best.
You simply have to buy the Nest Holiday Candle. I purchase them in bulk this time of year and they smell like absolute heaven. They are to yankee candle what Sears is to Neiman Marcus, you will LOVE.
I just read this one somewhere else- only works for guys but I thought it was funny: The door guy. Apparently someone dressed up in standard bouncer attire and brought out a velvet rope and one of those metal poles that they clip them onto. He would arbitrarily pick a location to guard and had a guest list which ended up including anyone dressed up in a sexy outfit. I would have so much fun with that. I’m still back and forth on the sexy/witty distinction. My one hard and fast rule though is that I won’t buy a nasty overpriced polyester pre made costume in a bag. Ick, I don’t even know where someone would find that fabric.
I’m still picking, too! The girls want me to be cruella deville, since I have a harlequin great dane who sort of passes as a dalmatian if you have no clue about dogs. However there is no way I am taking him out with me and it’s not really my personality. I think I will still do it and maybe take him to visit the children’s ward on halloween as a therapy dog, and come up with something else for going out.
I would suggest to her that she set a recurring alarm on her phone or switch to something longer term. Then again I was raised that lady parts should not be discussed barring some kind of sudden incident.
The beauty, intelligence, and breeding that make us sorority women are blessings. Be grateful, and especially be kind to those who were not fortunate enough to have these gifts. I am not too religious, but remember, “but for the grace of god go I”
See I would advise a lot of actual dating and no hooking up. Tends to work much better in this situation, and who knows, you might meet someone better.
Congratulations, Babe!!
I don’t know, that sounds like a regular wednesday?
http://sororified.blogspot.com/ Should you want a better executed version that covers similar subject matter
Agreed, I’d suggest complaining about your chile suppo all night to make sure that’s indicated.
Just don’t paint the face! This is apparently the line that must not be crossed; several men at my school ended up in a lot of trouble for that a few years ago.
Ah, blonde moment. Good thing I’m not taking the SAT any time again soon!
There is what you are looking for! If there is a store nearby to you, just go give it a quick whiff and you will understand. Silver Key, when it comes to the smell of my home, I’m willing to spend a little extra for the best.
You simply have to buy the Nest Holiday Candle. I purchase them in bulk this time of year and they smell like absolute heaven. They are to yankee candle what Sears is to Neiman Marcus, you will LOVE.
I just read this one somewhere else- only works for guys but I thought it was funny: The door guy. Apparently someone dressed up in standard bouncer attire and brought out a velvet rope and one of those metal poles that they clip them onto. He would arbitrarily pick a location to guard and had a guest list which ended up including anyone dressed up in a sexy outfit. I would have so much fun with that. I’m still back and forth on the sexy/witty distinction. My one hard and fast rule though is that I won’t buy a nasty overpriced polyester pre made costume in a bag. Ick, I don’t even know where someone would find that fabric.
I’m still picking, too! The girls want me to be cruella deville, since I have a harlequin great dane who sort of passes as a dalmatian if you have no clue about dogs. However there is no way I am taking him out with me and it’s not really my personality. I think I will still do it and maybe take him to visit the children’s ward on halloween as a therapy dog, and come up with something else for going out.
I would suggest to her that she set a recurring alarm on her phone or switch to something longer term. Then again I was raised that lady parts should not be discussed barring some kind of sudden incident.
Somehow my great dane wouldn’t do too well with a bow. Maybe a bow tie for special occasions.
The beauty, intelligence, and breeding that make us sorority women are blessings. Be grateful, and especially be kind to those who were not fortunate enough to have these gifts. I am not too religious, but remember, “but for the grace of god go I”
I am the reason men think women are terrible drivers. I can’t park my (admittedly large) truck in a small space for love nor money.
See I would advise a lot of actual dating and no hooking up. Tends to work much better in this situation, and who knows, you might meet someone better.