Stiegr (New Member)

Member Since 08/07/2014

From New Jersey

  • Stiegr 10 years ago on Why Romantic Guys Are Actually The WORST

    I have mixed feelings about this article. For example, I think texting a girl “Sweet dreams, beautiful” is a little creepy if it’s someone you JUST met. I also don’t like pet names or being called babe or baby unless I’m in a relationship with them. But at the same time, is it really so ridiculous for men to show chivalry and affection? I know you say that you don’t want some guy doing the same thing to you that he does to every other date, but if you’ve been to a florist lately you know how expensive bouquets are. That dude is dropping $20 easy on you just because. I doubt some college kid is doing that to scam every girl he dates. I’ve been with the same person for four years, and as a matter of fact we are now engaged. He bought me flowers early on-my favorite ones. He walked me to the door after dates, and straight up courted me. And when it was time to propose, he asked my dad for permission. Life is full of pressure. Guys have the choice to court a girl or give her gifts, but just because someone wants to act like a gentleman doesn’t mean he isn’t real. Those gestures AREN’T the reason I ended up wanting to marry this guy, but they showed me what a nice, genuine person he is and how hard he’s willing to work for something he really wanted-a solid, committed relationship.

    P.S- Why does my name say I’m a PNM? lol

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