storyoftori (Little)

Member Since 06/27/2015

From Virginia

  • storyoftori 9 years ago on I Masturbate And I Like It

    I never understood why anyone thought this was only shameful when a girl was doing it. Every woman should do it, whether she’s single, or has a boyfriend, or is married. It’s freaking great. That’s I have to say on the matter.

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  • storyoftori 9 years ago on I'm Skinny But I Should Still Be Allowed To Hate My Body

    This is so sad. So hating your body is a fundamental aspect of being a girl? It should be a right to be able to “join in on the fun”? I’ve noticed that when I hang around certain groups of girls, they bond by hating on their bodies, their hair, their face, everything about themselves. It’s almost like if you don’t have some insecurity to contribute, people judge you. Don’t feel like you HAVE to hate your body to be a real woman! That’s such an awful way to define womanhood. This is crazy but….I actually LIKE my body! I’m 5’4 and 108 pounds. I have some cellulite, some stretch marks, some acne scars, some bruises. And you know what? I don’t care! I look good in most of my clothing, and I look pretty good naked too. But you know what happens when a girl says she likes her body? People attack her! The same girls who you thought had your back will then say that you’re conceited, that you’re not *that* great, and that you SHOULDN’T like your body. They’ll point out your flaws. But I just don’t care! Cellulite is basically incurable, stretch marks are forever, acne scars will probably be there, but there’s a difference between recognizing your “imperfections” (according to our objectifying society) and giving a damn about them. I STILL like my body. You should try it too.

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