Sweetheart_Life (Big)

Member Since 02/08/2013

From Florida

  • Sweetheart_Life 11 years ago on An Open Letter to Angelina Jolie


    “You literally suck for preemptively having one and putting yourself in the spotlight because of it. I think it’s bullshit people are praising you for this. You’re not ‘brave’ or ‘courageous.’ You got your boobs removed, and then got implants. Congratulations. You used breast cancer as an excuse to stuff yourself with silicone, because you’re ‘at risk’.”

    YOU literally suck for being SO ignorant! I’m not going to repeat what the other commenters have said about her being legitimately extremely at risk, but I will call you out on your retarded logic involving this whole thing just being an excuse for a boob job. Really, Pearls? That’s your conclusion here?! You’re should be smarter than that, really. She HAD boobs before, and it wouldn’t even be a big deal AT ALL if she wanted a boob job. She wouldn’t have chosen to have her natural breast tissue surgically removed just for the praise, you fucking ignorant and heartless bitch.

    You really did cross the line here. I love many of your articles; your writing generally amuses me. I love your alcoholic, soulless personality, as it reminds me of my own. But I refuse to read any more of your shit after this article. Did you really expect your readers to respond favorably to such an under researched, emotionally inept article? There’s a line of bitchiness, satire, and better-than-you writing that we all enjoy, but you are far from it in this case.

    As someone who has dealt first hand with breast-cancer related surgeries, I’m glad she publicized (and normalized) the issue so now I can explain my experience easier by referring to Angelina as an example.

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  • Sweetheart_Life 11 years ago on When Guys Are Wrongly Labeled as Hot

    “Look at Michael Phelps! I’ve always maintained that he looks like a long-lost Manning brother with a dash of Downe Syndrome, but his body is so perfect it’s forgivable that his face looks like it resulted from Debbie spending her pregnancy in Chernobyl.”

    Quite possibly one of the funniest things you’ve written, Pearls.

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