TeffyCat (Big)

Member Since 04/15/2014

From New York

  • TeffyCat 10 years ago on Newsflash: Your Boyfriend Is Not Your Best Friend

    This post is completely unfair, and you’re giving absolutely no credit to guys- boyfriends specifically. Yes there are boyfriends out there that don’t understand you, nor plan to, but then there are the boyfriends that see you as more than something for them to put their dick into. You’re making it seem that guys lack the ability to have any cognitive processes that don’t associate with sex, and you’re completely narrowing the definition of best friends to something that stems out of synced periods.
    I have girl best friends and I do go to them with a lot of problems, but my boyfriend can provide me with other perspectives and comfort me the way some of my best friends can’t. He’s close to my family and the way I think and how to make me happy, and he will do anything to make me smile- and sometimes my best friends aren’t as committed to me enough to do that….not saying their bad best friends- they just don’t put me as their number one priority like my boy friend does on numerous occassions. He’s proven on so many occassions that he cares more about me than my vagina or breasts, and I don’t think he’s a rare creature in the male world.
    Boyfriends are more than capable to be best friends, and you shouldn’t put down girls that do consider their amazing selfless boyfriends to be that for them- by doing that it is YOU that’s “ruining the bonds of sisterhood”.

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