therealthatoneguy (Little)

Member Since 02/14/2015

From California

  • therealthatoneguy 9 years ago on This Guy Wrote The Most Beautiful, Heartbreaking Letter To His Ex-Girlfriend; Brooke, If You're Out There, Give Him Another Chance

    And.actually, most of this goes for all of you. We all experience EVERYTHING differently. So to say he should just walk away and she should just say Fuck him I’m done, isn’t necessarily the right thing. Everyone thinks they know exactly what everyone else should do. Fuck that your all just humans too. You can’t be certain on anything. I say she should I say he’s learned would work out great and they would be happy. Oh and I forgot I’m a psychologist/psychiatrist/Dr Phil himself. As if any of that matters hahahahaha, Fuck all that noise. I won’t say all psych is bullshit but I find it silly because no two.people are the same.

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  • therealthatoneguy 9 years ago on This Guy Wrote The Most Beautiful, Heartbreaking Letter To His Ex-Girlfriend; Brooke, If You're Out There, Give Him Another Chance

    Ha and I bet you’ve got everything all figured out huh. You sound like a cheap sorority slut who has probably had meaningless sex with more frat bros then Sasha Grey. And you probably have never really been in love like someone who feels they have actually found the one . Its not just in movies. You could very well be incapable of even having such emotion. You do realize every single person is differrnt right? Even if someone has a similar story or event take place doesn’t mean that the answer or solution is one that a large sum of people could relate. That is just ignorant to think so. Every effects everyone differently so no one really has a right to pass judgement. Just because your a snobby asshole who got cheated on or fucked around by a bunch of douchebag does not give you the right to chime in with negativity. Pull your head out of your ass and worry about your own failing love life and cold empty heart.

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