tkelly7 (New Member)

Member Since 11/28/2011

From Illinois

  • tkelly7 12 years ago on USC

    Coming from a soldier in the U.S Army, He has some rationale behind what he is saying because ALOT of soldiers girl friends, fiances,and wives cheat on soldiers when they are away, unfortunately.

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  • tkelly7 12 years ago on Stereotypes Are Fun

    After being in the army i think it’s funny to read the part about a man in uniform. I’ve seen many girls have an unrealistic expectation of a relationship that you’d see out of a movie or fairytale. Eventually reality sets in, the soldier is gone for long periods of time and the girl ends up cheating. Because of this many service members have trust issues. Being in a relationship while on active military duty just causes an unneeded stress on the soldier. But in no way am I saying this is the case for everyone, there are always exceptions, this is just the majority of cases i’ve seen.

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