Tlloyd (Little)

Member Since 01/23/2014

From Georgia

  • Tlloyd 10 years ago on Tulane Sorority Girls Are Bitches...And It's Hilarious

    I don’t think this was funny at all. As both a theater major and an officer of my sorority I am extremely offended by the way this woman handled herself. Recruitment is a stressful time for all Greek organizations, rush week is full of long hours, hard decisions, and lots of tears. However, it’s all worth in the end because on Bid Day you get a house full of wonderfully perfect new sisters. This woman approached all the girls she encountered with a surly attitude and condemned them before she even began speaking. As a theater major, I’ve been honored to have my chapter attend my plays each Bid Day to show support for me and the theater program. They come because they want to show their school spirit and to strengthen our sisterhood through appreciating the arts. For this woman to try and force her way into a sorority house on Bid Day is ridiculous, not only because of the nature of the day itself, but also because if she had properly advertised her show before hand or even reached out to the organizations to see if they wanted to attend the show as a group then I’m sure she would have had a much better response. I’m shocked that anyone could watch this video and side with this woman. And finally I think these girls handled themselves graciously considering this woman rudely approached them and tried to distract them on the busiest day of the sorority calendar.

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