Falling asleep cuddling a bottle of Jack. TSM.
Falling asleep cuddling a bottle of Jack. TSM.
The best part of being a legacy is getting your mom’s vintage letters. TSM.
Life’s a mess. Makeup’s on point. #TSM
Using your one call from jail to call your VP of Communications so you don’t get fined for missing an event. TSTC.
We do not waste alcohol. TSM.
Having a different boyfriend in every fraternity. TSTC.
Vodka in a wine glass. TSM.
Being 19 and 21 at the same time. TSM.
“I just like him so much that I feel like I’ve had ten drinks today. And I’ve only had six.” -Phoebe Buffay. TSM.
Getting a bitch’s high from a perfectly passive aggressive subtweet. TSM.