Member Since 05/12/2016

From Alabama

  • TSMisTRASH 8 years ago on You Don't NEED A Ring By Spring, Psycho

    “Committing your life to someone when you have yet to receive your diploma is the biggest gamble I can think of.”

    This statement is absolutely ridiculous. Just because something isn’t right for you, does not mean it isn’t right for someone else. Yes, having your goal in college to find a husband is ridiculous. But if you do end up meeting that person in college, that’s awesome! If you find someone you’re deeply in love with in college, are you supposed to close yourself off just because you’re waiting to be handed your diploma? Since when does being handed a diploma = maturity, security, ready for marriage, etc.?

    “After college there will be even more drastic changes to who we are as people, and who we are going to be.”

    So when do you suggest you marry someone then? It’s all dependent on the couple.

    Moral of the story: “Ring by spring” is a ridiculous goal. But don’t bash people for genuinely committing their lives to someone before they get a diploma. It is not “the biggest gamble” for many, many people. Just because something isn’t right for you, doesn’t mean it isn’t perfect for someone else.

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