tx_tnsrat (Little)

Member Since 12/09/2013

From Tennessee

  • tx_tnsrat 8 years ago on How To Turn An Asshole Into Boyfriend Material

    Hopefully people take this as “ways that will increase your chances of reforming an asshole into a boyfriend.” Yes, he’s definitely more likely to take you and your “relationship” seriously if you take away his power. But there comes a point where you’ve just gotta realize that he’s not in a place to be your boyfriend. It’s tough, I know it’s tough, we’ve all been there, but sometimes you just have to let go of an asshole and trust that better things will come your way, because they will.

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  • tx_tnsrat 9 years ago on I'm Glad My Top House Cut Me During Recruitment

    Love this. I know plenty of girls who ended up in their top choice and ended up deactivating, and plenty more who ended up in a house they originally disliked, and ended up loving it. It’s all about giving everyone a fair chance! 🙂

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